Camping Ideas for Families - It was just Memorial Day, and that is exciting…because around here, that's when camping season begins! I don't really come from a family of campers. But it is something that I have adopted into our own family! As much fun as it can be to get pampered at a swanky hotel, it's not always my first choice for a weekend getaway. Nope, I'd much rather get cozy around a blazing fire, get my fingers sticky from s'mores, and sleep out under the stars. Now that we live so close to the mountains, I and my familiy are really excited to pass along our love of roughing it in the great outdoors. We can't wait to show them how much fun it can be to spend the out of doors.

Camping Ideas for Families

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“How much fun it can be” is an important phrase when it comes to camping. While weather and mosquitoes can work together to wreak havoc on a campout, often times it's a simple lack of preparation that keeps first time campers from being able to enjoy a new experience. If you are taking kids along, it's especially important to be prepared for changes in the weather, have food that's easy to prepare, and know how to provide basic first aid. Luckily, there are lots of good resources out there to help you get ready for living life on the wild side for a few days. All it takes is a little prep work so that you can fave a great time camping with your family.

Those Scouts and Brownies were definitely on to something when they declared a happy camper is a prepared camper, or something like that. We think they'd be impressed with our list. We hope you are.


It’s important to research weather patterns for areas you are unfamiliar with and the best advice can be gained from the park rangers or information centres.

Ready to go:

have a camping backpack ready to go to make packing for camping easier. Include a cutlery set; dinner plates and bowls, cups and mugs, a flashlight with new batteries, a first aid kit, a couple of packets of waterproof matches and a swiss army knife. After each camping trip wash and clean the contents and repack the bag ready for the next trip.
Second hand gear:

Garage sales and Trade Me are great places for picking up second-hand camping gear.

Test before you go:

Don’t wait until you are in the middle of nowhere before you realize your lantern doesn’t work, you’re missing all the tent pegs or that you have a hole in your airbed. Always thoroughly test your equipment before you leave home.

Wire toaster:

Wire toasters are available in most camping stores and cost very little. To use one effectively, the wire mesh needs to be underneath near the heat and the toast rack on top. Place it over a low flame, or coals, so the wire just turns red. If flames don’t come through the wire mesh, your bread should toast beautifully.

Stretcher bed:

Stretcher beds are great for kids and save having to blow up numerous air beds. They cost very little and pack away neatly. They also make great beds for sleep overs at home.

Camping list:

Keep a list of what you need to take at home and update it after each camping trip, as it is the kind of activity where experience counts for a lot. If you refer to your list when packing you won’t forget a thing.

Protecting food and rubbish:

Camping Ideas for Families
You can hang a food safe such as a Hessian bag or large string bag from the branches of a tree to stop animals getting at it. This should also be done with rubbish bags. If you leave them on the ground they will certainly be torn apart by the next morning. Alternatively, store perishable food not kept in the chilly bin in your car overnight.

Drying towels:

If you can find a strong branch lying around that has lots of short branches still attached, hang it from a tree to air wet towels. Tie a piece of rope around the top of the branch and dangle it from a tree so the short branches reach upwards.

Fire starters:

Collect candle stubs at home to take camping because these make perfect fire starters. Just light and place in the fire under the kindling.

Cooking fish:

If you are going to fry fish in a pan, line it with aluminium foil first to save washing up while also preventing lingering fishy smells.

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